Rentmaster rigby
Rentmaster rigby

Only the realtors can give you a picture of where the families live, vs. You need to talk to them and to the realtors, not mess around with craigslist. They will have a list of realtors, and may have good information right at hand. I suggest you contact the Rexburg Chamber of Commerce right away. It's highly likely that some the condo units are designed to accommodate these families, so I suspect finding one that's suitable for you might not be as hard as simply finding one that's available. May also have kids right away, and large families are common in the church. Many have a girlfriend who waits for them until they return home, and they get married soon after. I don't know how familiar you are with the Mormon culture, but it's very common for a young man, fresh out of high school, or with a year or two of college under his belt, to go on a 2 year mission for the church.

rentmaster rigby

From what I've read, a lot of the undergraduates are married and in their mid 20's to 30's.

rentmaster rigby

That's not to say that the enrollment at BYUI has slowed down, though. For quite a while after BYUI became a 4 year college, it seemed like Rexburg couldn't build them fast enough to keep up with the demand, but the construction may well have slowed down in this recession. I hope someone from Rexburg will comment on your post.įrom what I've seen in Rexburg, new single housing as separate units aren't being built as much as condos, duplexes, and other multiple housing units. I live in Idaho Falls, so my thoughts may not be accurate. Thanks in advance for any insights you can share. Do realtors in the area handle any rentals, or is it strictly buying and selling? We're not interested in renting to own at the moment. We'll be there next week, so I guess we can drive around and look for For Rent signs.

rentmaster rigby

Where's the best place to look for rentals if you are just a regular person, and not a student? I've been checking craigslist, but there just aren't too many places listed. But is it even possible to find an actual house for rent?Ģ. I have five kids and feel sorry for anyone who would be living under us. Is it reasonable to find single family houses for rent? It seems I've seen a lot of "houses" for rent-only to find that the top floor is rented to one party, and the basement to someone else. I've been looking on line, trying to get a handle on the rental housing market, and have a couple questions I hope someone can answer:ġ. My family is moving to Rexburg from a considerable distance (1300 miles) and while we don't have to physically be there until August, we are moving our stuff there in a couple weeks.

Rentmaster rigby